4 Reasons Why Websites Fail to Win Attention

Are you unhappy with your current website design?  According to a recent report done by Hubspot, 1/3 of marketers are not happy with their website.  Here are 4 reasons why not –

1. Setting unclear goals

75% of the unhappy marketers listed the goal for the project as “Other”, whereas 72% of those with the goal to “improve branding or positioning” and 76% with the goal to “optimize for lead generation or sales” were both happy.

2. Not justifying design with metrics

Only 25% of of those surveyed who used metrics to measure their website redesign were unhappy with the results.  Not testing design variables is a great way to end up with a site you don’t like.

3. Poor Leadership

Over 1/3 of the website redesigns initiated by the CEO or Senior Executive resulted as “extremely happy”, whereas only 18% of the projects begun by the marketing team were listed as “extremely happy”Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

4. Emotional Response

Like most branding projects, there is an emotional attachment to website design, as most people who have tried to design their own website would attest.  Getting yourself too emotionally involved, whether by putting your ego on the line, or by closing your mind to outside research – this is a long path that often leads to dissatisfaction at the end of your web redesign project.

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