How to Reset a Drupal Website Admin Password? For Drupal 6,7 and 8

Drupal is a powerful CMS and just like parking your car, we all occasionally leave the keys inside. So how do you reset the admin Drupal password? There are a couple of ways depending on your specific situation.

Option 1 – If you have access to the associated email account

  1. Open Drupal login page. Usually, the URL path is ‘/user’;
  2. Click on the ‘Request new password’ link/button or go directly to the password reset page, the path is ‘/user/password’;
  3. Enter the email address or username and press ‘Submit/Log in’ button;
  4. Check your email(including spam folder). Login to the website using one-time login link.
  5. Enter new password and save.

Option 2 – Using Command Line If you have no access to the associated email account

To change the user password on your Drupal 8 website use the Drush Command Shell. 

Drush is a command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal. Drush core ships with lots of useful commands for interacting with code like modules/themes/profiles. Similarly, it runs update.php, executes sql queries and DB migrations, and misc utilities like run cron or clear cache.

For Drupal 8.5
Make sure you are using Drush 9:

drush user-password USERNAME PASSWORD

or generate one time login link:

drush user-login

An alternative option is using Drupal Console

drupal user:password:reset

For Drupal 7 websites and older versions of Drush

drush upwd admin –password=PASSWORD

Option 3 – Using MySQL database management application

You can use phpMyAdmin, Sequel Pro, TablePlus, or any other database management application.

For Drupal 6/7/8

You can replace a user’s email address with yours and then begin a regular password reset procedure using a browser.

Or if you have another user/website and you know a password you can copy password hash from it.

For Drupal 6/7

In the SQL query text field, type the following text: “update users set pass=md5(PASSWORD) where uid = 1.”


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