Tips and Tricks to Improve Conversion Optimization

In today’s world, we all want to grab attention from our online viewers as quickly as possible. There is a large focus on SEO and driving site traffic, but what about when the visitor makes that first click on your page? This is where conversion optimization comes in to play, and making a valuable impression is extremely important to further engage people on your website.

What is conversion optimization?

Once the visitor comes to the site, you have a few seconds to make an impression and draw them in further to something that catches their interest. Often times, visitors become frustrated or overwhelmed trying to find what they are looking for with overcomplicated menus and too much information on the homepage. By strategizing a few ways to better engage a user on the site, you will decrease your site’s bounce rate, increase time spent browsing, and collection information from users to re-engage them at a later point. This idea of capturing visitor information (such as filling out a contact form) is a conversion, and your site will better benefit your business in the long run because you will have more subscribers, event attendees, donations, inquiries, members, or purchases.

How to track conversions and visitor activity:

The first step is figuring out what your visitors are currently doing on the site. Use analytic data and pay attention to your bounce rate and average time spent on the site. Are a majority of your visitors leaving the site right away? Then it might be a good idea to implement a few new conversion strategies. Also take a look at your analytic data to see which pages are most frequently visited. This will give you insight into what they are currently interested in and where you can potentially guide them from the homepage for further interaction.

Conversion optimization strategy:

Once you have taken a look at your analytic data as a baseline for your website, you can now add a few new ways for your users to better engage with your site. Using FOMO (a fear of missing out) is particularly effective when trying to get your users to perform an action. Perhaps design an eye-catching landing page about a new event or newsletter topic, and ask them for their email address so you can send them more information. By increasing email signups, you now have more data from your visitor and can continue communication later on. Other ideas to increase conversions include posting social media topics/conversations to your homepage to encourage visitors to interact, creating marketing or advertising campaigns that catch their attention, or implementing calls to action throughout your site for things such as donations, email signups, or event registrations.

How to continue to improve conversion rates:

The most important things to consider are what is important to your visitors and how can you keep them coming back to the site. Try to keep content fresh and regularly up to date, and strategize new ways that your visitors can be further involved — maybe through the opportunity to engage on a new social post, fill out a survey form, or sign up for a new event. When implementing a call to action opportunity, try not to ask for too much information. Keep your call to action headlines informative and very straightforward. Finally, try to add other media elements into your site that help to humanize your business, such as video and relevant photography.

Want to Improve Your Online Conversion Rate?

Conversion optimization has helped businesses grow online by converting visitor traffic to sales leads. By including landing page design and call to action requests throughout your website, you have more opportunity to attract individuals early on in the browsing experience.

Alliance provides conversion optimization services for businesses who are looking to increase growth and communication strategy. We can develop a custom landing page design and help your brand strategize new methods for online lead generation.

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