Measuring Web Site Performance

Web Site Performance

If your business depends on the success of your website you’re probably utilizing analytical tools to measure its performance. Traditionally this performance has revolved around analyzing visitor traffic, search patterns and the movement of good or services from your site. Until recently the performance of a businesses call activity has been rather forgotten or under utilized as a source of power sales lead generation analytics.

For many business success is usually measured by having the phone ring to generate leads. Call tracking analytics provides business owners transparency into the effectiveness of all marketing campaigns that utilize a phone number. Some of the benefits of call tracking performance based analytics include:

Get more from your advertising

Discover exactly where your marketing dollars generate the most leads. Measure all ad results in real time.

Capture more leads

Automatically capture complete information for every call — even when the line is busy or you’re not there.

Generate more sales

Review recorded calls to sharpen your sales team’s phone skills and recapture lost opportunities.

Stay on top of your business

Get crucial data about your sales and ad performance whenever you want it.

How many sales opportunities does your marketing really deliver? If you only measure by counting the number of calls, you’re not getting the whole picture. Call tracking analytics provides a simple answer to how to properly manage advertising campaigns, ensure your sales staff is performing at full efficiency and measuring the effectiveness of your website performance.

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