Alliance Interactive Blog

7 Ways to Improve you AdWords ROI

Test your ads and see how they stand-out against each other. Establish a baseline for performance then make a new ad group with substantial changes such as a dollar amount discount or a call to action to your Ads to test their performance how to cure a weed hangover.

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Five Tips when Selecting a Domain Name

What’s in a name? That question long posed by William Shakespeare has dominated online marketing and search engine experts for years. A domain like was purchased for $5.1M two years ago -today ranks on page three of Google for the search term “toys”.

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How to Build an Effective LinkedIn Company Profile

As consumers continue to flock to social media websites, marketers recognize the importance of attracting and retaining those users. One of the challenges facing companies today is how to enhance their LinkedIn company profiles. 

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5 Tips when Selecting A Content Management Systems

f you have previously used a Content Management System (CMS), you may have had a taste of some of the features they offer. A Content Management System is used to organize and facilitate collaborative content creation.

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Sun Tzu Marketing in a Tough Economy: Why Downturns Provide Opportunity

What does Apple, Kraft and Hyundai have in common? Someone in their marketing department probably has the Art of War by Sun Tzu tucked away on their shelf.

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