Why You Should Consider Updating to Drupal 8

If you are considering updating to Drupal 8 for your business site, there are a few new key features and benefits available on this platform that you should consider. We will break down how these features can make updating your site easier and why it’s worth making the investment to update to this platform.

Drupal 6 is Being Phased Out

If your site currently runs on Drupal 6, you should consider updating because Drupal 6 is being phased out entirely. This will mean that your site could face security risks and new modules won’t be available for updating content. You also won’t be able to take advantage of Drupal support and will have to make fixes on your own, which can be both costly and time consuming.

Take a look at some of the great new features on Drupal 8.Mobile Friendly

In 2018, over 60% of site traffic came from mobile devices, so it is crucial that your site be mobile responsive. Unlike Drupal 6 and 7, Drupal 8 has templates that can easily adapt to different devices.

Fast Performing

Drupal 8 comes with excellent performance speed, another crucial component for a great website experience since slow load times often lead to decreased site traffic and a higher bounce rate. Because the BigPipe module is included in the Drupal 8 core, the Drupal 8 platform has the ability to identify which pages are loading more slowly and help bring them up to speed.

Live Editing Features

One of the awesome features on Drupal 8 is its new client-side editing feature, which allows you to make changes directly to the content on the front end of the page. This means you can make changes easily and quickly within just a few seconds.

Inclusion of Twig Template Engine

The Twig engine template makes the jobs of on-staff coders and developers less time consuming. It is easy to learn and makes developing templates for the site much quicker and easier. It is also highly secure, and has the ability to evaluate any untrusted code. Drupal 8 incorporates theme-based templates for writing HTML5, which helps increase productivity.

Built-In Fields

Drupal 8 offers the ability to integrate frequently-used or trending fields on to your site (such as contact information like email and phone number entry) without having to code it into the site.

Multilingual Features

Drupal 8 offers several features for translation, which is great if you have a multicultural audience with whom you want to connect. These include the ability to translate a specific web page or to insert an option for a user to change the language featured on the page.

Interested in Learning More About Drupal? Speak With an Expert Today.

There are many new features and benefits on Drupal 8, such as the new content management and coding tools mentioned above, that will make updating your business website much easier. The platform will also help enhance your user’s experience through its ability to adapt to mobile devices and increase the website’s performance speed.

Alliance Interactive is a Washington, DC based digital agency that offers services in Drupal web design, development, and support.

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