Alliance Interactive Blog

5 Ways to Deduct the Cost of Website Development

Having an effective web presence is now a crucial component for any business to properly capture the attention of a large audience.

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8 B2B Website Design Elements that Every Website Should Have

When creating a content strategy for your B2B website design, your target audience is looking to see how and why you are an expert in your field.

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6 Reasons to Upgrade to Drupal 8

Drupal is currently in the process of phasing out older versions of the platform. Drupal 6 has reached its ‘end of life stage,’ meaning that it is no longer supported by the Drupal community.

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6 Top Benefits of BuddyPress

BuddyPress is a free plugin available for use with WordPress websites. Using BuddyPress allows a business to create a social media platform similar to Facebook.

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6 Insider Tips for a Great RFP

Working on a Request for Proposals but feel like it’s missing something? Not all RFPs are created equal—in fact, some of them are great, while others are so poorly written or complicated that vendors don’t take the time to read them all the way through, much less draft a proposal.

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Top 10 Ways to Write a Great RFP

Writing a great Request for Proposal is the key to attracting a great pool of applicants.

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Want to Win Voters, Members or Media? Think Soda, Beer, French Fries

The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a “name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.”

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Your Company And The World’s Largest Audience of Professionals

Are you looking to expand your sphere of influence and begin generating leads for your business on LinkedIn?

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7 Top Benefits of Drupal CMS

If your business has previously used a Content Management System (CMS) like Wordpress or Joomla and wondered, can I do better?

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How to create a Facebook Business Page

Do you want to put your business in front of over 800 potential million customers? Facebook has some incredible stats that businesses need to know about, here a couple.

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Asking The Right Questions, How To Select A Drupal Web Design Company?

When it comes to building your next custom website, what is the best way to go about selecting a Drupal web design company?

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B2B Magazine Survey: Marketing Budgets Increase

According to a recent survey by BtoB magazine, 51.9% of b-to-b marketers plan to increase their marketing budgets.

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Setup Google +1 for Businesses and Brands: A How To Guide

After telling businesses to hold off creating Google Plus (Google +1) pages for their customers, Google has finally given businesses the green light to start creating their Google + 1pages.

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Pharmaceutical Social Media Policies: When Drugs and Facebook Intersect

Social media networks, such as Facebook, help businesses build brands, introduce products, and increase overall traffic to their website. Facebook is one of the most highly trafficked websites online, with millions of visitors every day.

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4 Reasons Why Websites Fail to Win Attention

Are you unhappy with your current website design?  According to a recent report done by Hubspot, 1/3 of marketers are not happy with their website. 

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